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Briefly understand the CLY type high-efficiency degreaser?

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

The high-efficiency degreaser uses degreaser resin as the filter medium, and uses the lipophilic group in the resin to collect and absorb emulsified oil and oil beads in the aqueous solution. When the oil layer on the resin surface reaches a certain thickness, the water flow and the hydrophilic group in the resin Under the repulsive action of the oil, the oil droplets detach from the resin and float to the surface of the water, thereby achieving oil-water separation.



Process characteristics of CLY type high-efficiency degreaser:

Good oil removal effect (the effluent contains oil 1~3mg/L), and the filtration accuracy is high (the effluent turbidity is 0~5NTU);

Simple operation (automatic control), high processing capacity (¢3300*4500 100m?/h);

no demulsifier, no introduction of other chemistry magazines, low energy consumption, low cost;

The oil remover does not need chemical regeneration, and the oil film is automatically analyzed;

The resin has a long operating cycle, low-pressure operation, and the equipment body is almost maintenance-free;

The separated oil and water can be recycled, creating green economic benefits for the enterprise.