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Do you know what functions the CJF precision filter has?

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

1. Remove solid particles and impurities in the fluid.

2, applied to mechanical protection, such as boiler water, hydraulic oil filtration, flame-resistant lubricating oil filtration, gas filtration on pneumatic tools.

3. Filtration of finished and semi-finished products in production.



4. Captive filtration, the mother liquor after filtration during the production process can obtain purer and brighter crystalline products.

5. Ensure the filtration of raw materials and the quality requirements of raw materials.

6. It can be used as the pre-treatment of electrodialysis, reverse osmosis and ion exchange in the preparation of pure water. It can ensure that the turbidity of the water is less than 1 degree, reduce the total pollution index, and have a certain effect on the removal of bacteria, iron ions, and chroma. It can make electrodialysis and reverse osmosis operate stably. As a treatment before ion exchange, it can reduce resin Pollution, prolong the cleaning period of the resin.

7. In the production and application of water, the river water can be filtered to remove contaminated impurities, and then thoroughly sterilized before drinking.

8. In terms of beverages and wine making, it can make water clear and transparent, improve its quality and extend storage time.

9. In the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, it can be filtered and reused according to the precision function.