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How to judge the operating condition of the nitrogen generator

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

The editor today teaches you to judge whether the nitrogen generator is operating well, and to repair and maintain it according to the operating status of the nitrogen generator.

  How to judge the operating condition of the nitrogen generator

   To judge whether the nitrogen generator is in good condition during operation, it can be analyzed according to the following dew point. Flexible application, if you still have any questions, you can contact professional manufacturers and technicians to check.

   1. The power indicator light is on, and the left suction, equalizing pressure, and right suction indicator lights circulate to indicate the nitrogen production process.

  2. When the left suction indicator light is on, the pressure of the left adsorption tower gradually rises from the equilibrium pressure during pressure equalization to the highest, and the pressure of the right adsorption tower of the nitrogen generator at the same time gradually drops to zero from the equilibrium pressure during pressure equalization. When the pressure equalization indicator light is on, the pressure drop of the left and right adsorption towers gradually reaches a balance between the two.

  3. When the right suction indicator light is on, the pressure of the right adsorption tower gradually rises from the equilibrium pressure when the pressure is equalized to the highest, and the pressure of the left adsorption tower gradually drops to zero when the equilibrium pressure is when the pressure is equalized.



4. The nitrogen outlet pressure of the nitrogen generator is indicated as normal gas pressure. The pressure will fluctuate slightly during use, but the change should not be too large.

   5. The power meter indication should be basically stable, and the fluctuation should not be too large, and the value of the flow meter should not be greater than the rated gas production of the nitrogen generator equipment.

   6. The indicated value of the oxygen meter of the nitrogen making machine should not be less than the rated purity of the nitrogen making equipment, and there may be slight fluctuations, but the fluctuations should not be too large.

These things are to tell you the characteristics of the nitrogen generator in good working condition. For the user, Beijing Nitrogen Generator suggests that you can contact the manufacturer’s technicians to check. Professional matters should be done by professional people. This is also a service. Part.

   This article is organized by Nitrogen Generator, this article does not represent the point of view of this site