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Take a look at what are the precautions for purchasing an oxygen generator?

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

I have summarized the precautions for purchasing the oxygen concentrator. Let's take a look with the editor below!!

1. To select the model with the oxygen concentration of the oxygen generator output up to 90%, the oxygen concentration can be detected by the instrument or the oxygen monitoring device that comes with the machine.

2. The noise level of the oxygen generator is preferably less than 45 decibels. The oxygen generator is an electrical appliance that works for a long time. The sound must not be too loud, otherwise it will affect the rest of yourself and others, especially at night, so the motor sound during work It's better to be young.


3. Good oxygen generator manufacturers must pass the ISO international and CE European quality system certification of oxygen generators (oxygen machines), and pay attention to brands that have been on the market for more than two years, so that they can have better quality assurance and Related certification.

4. Strong oxygen production capacity. Better compressors produce 10-15 liters of air to produce 1 elevated concentration of oxygen, and ordinary compressors of 27 liters to 30 liters produce 1 elevated concentration of oxygen.

5. With cumulative timing function. It can count the service life of the oxygen machine in order to provide objective and accurate data for long-term maintenance and service in the future. International standards require that the oxygen concentrator be equipped with a cumulative timer, which is also a reflection of the quality of the product. The service life of a good oxygen concentrator should be able to guarantee tens of thousands of hours.

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