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Do you know the working principle of CLD type micro heat regeneration dryer?

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

According to the principle of pressure swing adsorption and regeneration cycle, the compressed air is adsorbed and dried by the external (electric heating) micro-heating regeneration method. This product combines the advantages of non-heat regeneration and thermal regeneration dryers, and uses external micro heating to reduce the loss of regeneration air volume, and at the same time avoids the disadvantage of high power consumption of thermal regeneration dryers.



Adopt advanced single-chip control technology to realize automatic control of operation. The pipeline design is reasonable, the installation is simple, and the use and maintenance are convenient. The pneumatic film cut-off valve (or pneumatic butterfly valve) is adopted to switch balance, the action is accurate and reliable. The regeneration process is divided into heating regeneration, The two steps of cooling and regeneration can maintain a stable low dew point, and the switching cycle is 60-80 minutes. The gas diffusion device is adopted, and the air flow in the tower is evenly distributed to avoid channeling. The dew point of dry air is -40∽-70℃.