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Precautions for adsorption dryer

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

What are the precautions for the adsorption dryer? Let's take a look with the editor!




The reasons that affect the dew point temperature and cause moisture in the gas are as follows:

1. Air intake temperature: Normally, the air intake temperature of the suction dryer is required to be lower than 45 degrees. Under the same conditions, the water content will increase by 30% for every 5 degrees increase in temperature, and the dew point will increase by about 10 degrees, and the intake air temperature will exceed 60 degrees. The agent will lose its adsorption capacity.

  3. Regenerative gas volume: Normal equipment regeneration gas volume will not exceed the rated volume. The temperature of regeneration gas is between 125-160°C, 15% without heat and 6% with slight heat.

Many companies only have hand valve control. Do not adjust it at will during normal operation, because the instantaneous flow rate of the regeneration gas of the micro-heat dryer cannot be too small, otherwise it will reduce the heat transfer efficiency of the regeneration gas, cause local overheating or non-heating, and damage the adsorbent due to uneven heating. Performance, if the flow rate is too small, the flow rate is too low, it is easy for the airflow to pass through the adsorption layer to short-circuit and form a "tunnel effect", so that uniform heat transfer and effective adsorption cannot be achieved.

2. Oil content: The oil content of the intake compressed air is controlled below 0.01 mg per cubic meter. If it is too large, it is easy to cause adsorbent "poisoning" to affect the adsorption performance. Install a degreasing filter before the dryer, and regularly observe whether the drain is normal. The lower the intake air temperature of the filter, the better, and the filter fails when the temperature exceeds 66 degrees.

  4. Water content: The intake air temperature of the suction dryer should be reduced as much as possible. Air storage tanks, vapor-liquid separators, refrigeration dryers, oil filters, etc. should be installed. Pay attention to regular regular inspections for normal drainage!

   5. Pay attention to the ambient temperature as far as possible not to exceed 45 degrees. If the ambient temperature is too high, the temperature of the adsorbent in the adsorption tower will also be high, which will affect the adsorption effect!

   Maintain ventilation, maintain the filter element and the adsorbent normally, check whether the muffler exhaust is smooth, and the exhaust channel is blocked, which will lead to incomplete regeneration and premature aging of the adsorbent!

   6. High energy efficiency, high standards, high-quality services, professional services.

  7. Check the control valve on a regular basis. Frequent switching and long-term exposure to the mixture of moisture and adsorbent can easily cause damage to the valve!

   8. After shutting down, the inlet and outlet valves must be fully closed to prevent the adsorbent from adsorbing moisture in the gas storage tank or pipeline when it is not in use, which will cause the dew point temperature to rise during the next work.

   Through the above article, do you have a deeper understanding of the precautions of the dryer?