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Briefly describe the precautions of adsorption dryer

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

Do you know the working principle and precautions of adsorption dryer?

Adsorption dryer achieves the drying effect through "pressure change" (pressure swing adsorption principle). Since the ability of air to hold water vapor is inversely proportional to pressure, a part of the dried air (called regeneration gas) is decompressed and expanded to atmospheric pressure. This pressure change makes the expanded air drier, and then allows it to flow through the unconnected air flow. The desiccant layer that needs to be regenerated (that is, the drying tower that has absorbed enough water vapor), the dry regeneration gas sucks out the moisture in the desiccant, and takes it out of the dryer to achieve the purpose of dehumidification. The two towers work cyclically, without a heat source, and continuously provide dry compressed air to the user's air system.

The oil content of the air entering the tower should be controlled below 0.01mg/m3; in view of the fact that oil-free air compressors are not yet truly oil-free, in order to prevent trace oil from accumulating in the adsorption bed (this accumulation is very fast), the dryer It is necessary to install a degreasing device at the air inlet; The micro-heat regeneration dryer should be used under the rated temperature and pressure conditions. When the inlet temperature is higher or the inlet pressure is lower than the rated value, the capacity should be corrected;

When the micro-heat regeneration suction dryer is used in conjunction with a piston air compressor, a stabilized gas storage tank should be installed in front to eliminate the high-speed impact of the pulsating airflow on the adsorbent; Power); When there is a "front of the cold dryer", the connection between the micro-heat regeneration suction dryer and the cold dryer should be installed separately as long as the site permits to reduce air pressure drop and improve the ventilation conditions of the cold dryer. It is convenient for daily maintenance and repair; when the air supply is sufficient, the non-heat regeneration dryer should be listed as the first choice. Its comprehensive energy consumption will not be higher than that of heating regeneration, and its dew point is lower and more stable.