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Announcement on the completion and acceptance of environmental protection facilities for the newly built air separation equipment and compressed air purification equipment production line project of Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

About Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Announcement on the acceptance of the completion of the environmental protection facilities of the gas purification equipment production line project

Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s newly-built air separation equipment and compressed air purification equipment production line project plans to carry out the completion acceptance of environmental protection facilities. The project is located in Chunjian Village, Chunjian Township, Fuyang District, Hangzhou. The production scale of the project is annual production of air separation equipment. 350 sets, 500 sets of compressed air purification equipment.

1. The project overview is as follows:

Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 2010, located in Chunjian Village, Chunjian Township, Fuyang District, Hangzhou. It is an enterprise specializing in R&D and manufacturing of air separation equipment and compressed air purification equipment.

Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. invested 30 million yuan to construct and manufacture air separation equipment and compressed air purification equipment projects. On March 11, 2015, the project was put on record by the Fuyang District Development and Reform Bureau (Fufa Gigong (Preparation) [2015] No. 58). In January 2017, the company entrusted Zhejiang Huanke Environmental Consulting Co., Ltd. to compile the "Environmental Impact Report on the New Air Separation Equipment and Compressed Air Purification Equipment Production Line Project of Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.", and on February 8, 2017 Obtained the approval opinions issued by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Fuyang District, Hangzhou City on the environmental impact report of the project (Fuhuan Xushen [2017] No. 36). The approved production scale is 350 sets of air separation equipment and 500 sets of compressed air purification equipment. .

Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was put into trial production in October 2017. According to the actual production needs, the company carried out the production process, production equipment and plant layout under the condition of the same labor quota, product plan and production scale. Adjustment. The polishing process of the shot blasting machine is added to remove the saponification process in the bending process and the finishing process in the original EIA. The company leased the originally planned warehouse to Hangzhou Yiyi Filtration System Co., Ltd.

In order to successfully complete the environmental protection "three simultaneous" completion acceptance of the project, and at the same time facilitate the supervision and management of the environmental protection department, Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. entrusted Zhejiang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out the supplementary explanation of the environmental impact of the project. The Hangzhou Environmental Protection Research Institute Co., Ltd. of the Coal Science and Technology Group is responsible for the environmental supervision of the project.


In accordance with the requirements for the acceptance of the completion of the environmental protection facilities of the construction project, the project list is now announced. Please consult the Fuyang District Environmental Protection Bureau for the specific environmental protection of the construction project. The public is welcome to participate in the environmental protection work of the construction project. Figure 1-1 Project production process

2. Publicity time:

January 30, 2019 - February 28, 2019

3. Contact information during the publicity period:

Contact number: 0571-63492919 Fax: 0571-63492916

Email: crsales@hzcrkf.com

Announcement content: acceptance monitoring report

File download website: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Cgb1n9RFjrZQSMr4mxI3Tg

Construction unit: Hangzhou Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

January 30, 2019