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Technical Agreement of Nitrogen Generator: Scope of Application

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

In use, every product has technical content, so if you want a product to be produced and sold for a long time, you must need technical support. For the oxygen generator produced by Chenrui, it is very clear in the technical agreement that the technology is very important and has a great legal effect, so it cannot be stolen at will to show the patented technology.

The technical agreement of the nitrogen generator also covers the scope of main applications, such as the protective gas in the heat treatment of metals, the purification of industrial gases and various storage pipelines in chemistry, and the production of rubber and plastic products. It will also be used, and it can also be used in the food industry to exhaust air to achieve the role of fresh-keeping packaging. There are also some special ones that are purifying in the beverage industry and used as a covering gas. Of course, such a good product is also very good in the medical industry. The different purity, stability, pressure, flow, etc. all meet the various needs of different customers.