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The metallurgical industry introduces nitrogen generators to promote the development of the industry

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

Nitrogen generators are widely used in powder metallurgy, metal heat treatment, magnetic materials, copper processing, powder reduction, and other fields. Now nitrogen generators have been used in the metallurgical industry. The nitrogen generator obtains nitrogen with a purity of more than 99.5% through the pressure swing adsorption nitrogen production mechanism, and uses high-quality nitrogen with a purity of more than 99.9995% and a dew point of less than -65°C through a combination with a nitrogen purification device. Used for annealing protective atmosphere, sintering protective atmosphere, nitriding treatment, furnace cleaning and purging gas, etc.

Nitrogen generators are mainly used in wave soldering, reflow soldering, crystal, piezoelectric, electronic ceramics, electronic copper tape, batteries, electronic alloy materials and other industries. Nitrogen generators in the electronic magnetic material industry include many branches, mainly piezoelectric crystals, semiconductors, and lead-free soldering. In addition to the above industries, nitrogen generators are also widely used in many fields such as coal, petroleum, and oil transportation. With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, the use of nitrogen has become more and more extensive. On-site gas production (nitrogen generator) has gradually replaced liquid nitrogen evaporation and bottled nitrogen due to its advantages of low investment, low use cost, and convenient use. And other traditional nitrogen supply methods.