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Chen Rui explained in detail the two emergency treatment plans for nitrogen generator failures

返回列表 来源: 超级管理员 发布日期: 2021.07.23

Nitrogen generators are now used more in production, but once the nitrogen generator fails, it needs to be overhauled in time. Chenrui Air Separation Equipment Co., Ltd. summarizes the emergency handling methods that frequently occur in daily nitrogen generators as follows, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

1. Product quality declines or production capacity declines. This may be due to the decrease of the adsorption pressure of the nitrogen generator, the pressure of the venting and desorption will not drop to zero within 5-20 seconds, internal leakage, etc. At this time, the adsorption capacity of the nitrogen generator needs to be improved, so the filter screen of the muffler can be cleaned. If the carbon molecular sieve becomes too hot, it needs to be replaced.

2. If an abnormal phenomenon occurs in the entire nitrogen generator production system, it is necessary to suspend the operation of the equipment at this time until the cause of the entire failure is found.