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CLT Type Activated Carbon Air Filter
  • CLT Type Activated Carbon Air Filter
  • CLT Type Activated Carbon Air Filter

CLT Type Activated Carbon Air Filter






product description

Activated carbon filter using new activated carbon adsorption material, the residual oil content of compressed air further increased to ≤ 0.01μm, to meet the oil content of the molecular sieve inlet ≤ 0.1μm operating conditions must be used. The series of products with long life, high efficiency, low operating costs, without any power components.


working principle

Activated carbon filter mainly by the diffusion device, the gas collection device and filled with activated carbon containers, containing residual oil of compressed air from the proliferation of gas diffusion into the container, and activated carbon surface contact adsorption, activation, compressed air and then to the bottom of the gas Collecting device after the gas gathering.


Technical indicators

Processing capacity: 1-300Nm3 / min

Import pressure: 0.6-1.0Mpa (according to the requirements can provide 1.0-3.0Mpa)

Inlet temperature: ≤50 ℃

Filtration accuracy: ≤ 0.0001ppm

Service life: ≥12000h